

"忘记mysql密码的取回方法 2005.11.18 来自:软件屋 如果 MySQL 正在运行, 首先杀之: killall -TERM mysqld(如果是windows,直接调出进程管理器,结束之) 以安全模式启动 MySQL : /usr/bin/safe_mysqld --skip-grant-tables & (windows 下 mysql安装所以盘/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld --skip-grant-tables ) 就可以不需要密码就进入 MySQL 了。 然后就是 >use mysql >update user set password=password("new_pass") where user="root"; >flush privileges; 重新杀 MySQL ,用正常方法启动 MySQL" http://news.csdn.net/news/newstopic/29/29491.shtml

eclipse 启动选项

eclipse 启动选项 其实,Eclipse是一个可以进行非常灵活配置的系统,除了以缺省的方式启动以外,还可以指定各种参数来定制启动方式。在参考了一些资料之后,我总结了一些比较常用的启动时Command Arguments,如果有不正确的地方希望大家予以指出。 -arch [processor architecture] 描述:指定所使用的处理器的类别 举例:eclipse -arch x86或eclipse -arch sparc -application [id] 描述:指定要运行的应用,id为扩展org.eclipse.core.applications扩展点的插件id加扩展id 举例:例如有个插件id为edu.sdu.app,扩展id为myapp,则eclipse -application edu.sdu.app.myapp,就会执行你的扩展应用 -clean 描述:清空插件缓存内容 举例:eclipse -clean,有时插件显示不出来是因为Eclipse将插件进行了缓存以加速启动过程,若指定此参数则会清空缓存,从头加载 -configuration [cofigfile location] 描述:指定配置文件的位置,在启动时使用此目录下的配置文件config.ini来启动 举例:eclipse -configuration d:/eclipse/configuration -data [workspace location] 描述:指定启动时的Workspace位置 举例:例如Workspace位置设在D:/myworkspace,则eclipse -data D:/myworkspace -debug [option file] 描述:以Debug状态启动Eclipse,所有的Debug开关在.options文件中指定 举例:eclipse -debug d:/eclipse/.options -dev [classpath entry] 描述:以开发状态启动Eclipse,这会添加所有指定的路径作为每个插件的Classpath 举例:例如eclipse -dev bin,会将产生在bin目录下的所有类加载到类路径中,这在开发插件时非常有用 -nosplash 描述:指定启动时不显示闪屏 举例:eclipse -nosplash -vm [jre path] 描述:指定启动时所使用的Java虚拟机 举例:例如要使用自己的Java虚拟机,则eclipse -vm D:/j2sdk1.4.2_04/jre/bin/java.exe,这样还有一个好处,就是可以开启一个Console,能够显示控制台信息,当然若 使用eclipse -vm D:/j2sdk1.4.2_04/jre/bin/javaw.exe则不会再显示控制台 -vmargs [Java VM arguments] 描述:指定启动时要使用的Java虚拟机参数 举例:例如要指定使用的内存容量,则eclipse -vmargs "-Xms256m -Xmx1024m" 注:此参数一定要放在所有参数变量的最后面 参考文章: 1.Eclipse Help 2.用 Runtime Spy 调整 Eclipse 的启动性能,IBM DeveloperWorks" http://www.blogcn.com/user46/veinstone/index.html


eclipse 性能问题

The issue is often not the heap itself but the Perm space for classes. Please try these startup arguments: eclipse.exe -vmargs -Duser.language=en -Xms128M -Xmx512M -XX:PermSize=64M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M from : http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-9514.html "提高你的Eclipse 性能 通过以下几个方面的设置,你可以让Eclipse跑的更快。 设置内存堆栈 Setting the minimum and maximum heap memory for the JVM gives Eclipse a larger slice of the system's memory pie. By default, the JVM gets a minimal amount of memory, so tell the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) exactly how much memory you want it to have. On Microsoft Windows, UNIX, and Linux, you can edit the "Java" command line to include the minimum and maximum you want. For instance, -Xms64m -Xmx200m. On Mac OS X, you will need to edit the Eclipse application's plist file. Open %ECLIPSE_INSTALLATIONDIR%/Eclipse.app/Contents/Info.plist and edit the Xms and Xmx settings. 屏蔽 Automatic Folding Disable automatic folding by unchecking everything on the Window->Preferences->Java->Editor->Folding tab. 屏蔽 Automatic Code Insight Disable automatic code insight by unchecking "Enable auto activation" on the Window->Preferences->Java->Editor->Code Assist tab. You can still get code insight by simply hitting control-space. 关闭项目 Close all the projects that you are not actively working in. The fewer projects you have open, the fewer files Eclipse has to handle as you update code." http://dev2dev.bea.com.cn/bbs/thread.jspa?forumID=124&threadID=18835&messageID=112344 "從小的的舊帖子上抄過來: (如有需要,請到 http://www.cjsdn.com/post/view?bid=7&id=16864 回應啦!) from: http://www.raibledesigns.com/page/rd/20030312 I (the author) changed my shorcut icon (Win2K) to have the following as it's target: eclipse.exe -vmargs -Xverify:none -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:PermSize=20M -XX:MaxNewSize=32M -XX:NewSize=32M -Xmx256m -Xms256m Eclipse now starts in a mere 6 seconds (2 GHz Dell, 512 MB RAM). Without these extra settings, it takes 11 seconds to start. That's what I (the author) call a performance increase! (2003-03-12 09:32:04.0) from: http://www.raibledesigns.com/comment.do?method=edit&entryid=065039163189104748672473500018 I (the author) tried this out, but the memory settings don't seem to have anything to do with startup time. 18 seconds - "eclipse.exe" 13 seconds - "eclipse.exe -vmargs -Xverify:none" 12 seconds - "eclipse.exe -vmargs -Xverify:none -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:PermSize=20M -XX:MaxNewSize=32M -XX:NewSize=32M -Xmx96m -Xms96m" It's only the Xverify:none parameter which has a noticeable effect on reducing startup time. On the java website I found that this parameter turns off bytecode verification ( http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/onlineTraining/Security/Fundamentals/Security.html ), although the default is supposedly "only verify classes loaded over the network". 小的找了一部有500MHz PIII + 384MB的電腦測試 Eclipse 2.1︰ 26 seconds - "eclipse.exe" 18 seconds - "eclipse.exe -vmargs -Xverify:none" 15 seconds - "eclipse.exe -vmargs -Xverify:none -XX:+.... 在我那有大量 plug-ins 的 eclipse 2.1,用了 -vmargs -Xverify:none 啟動時間由10秒降至5-6秒。 似乎在 WSAD 也一樣有效。 " http://www.cjsdn.net/post/view?bid=7&id=20914 Performance Tuning http://www.jdg2e.com/ch32.performance/doc/


"Supporting the log4j RepositorySelector in Servlet Containers" http://www.qos.ch/logging/sc.jsp


$1. 授权某主机可以访问Mysql: grant all on mysql.user to username@'' identified by 'password' flush privileges;